Scientific Papers
Gunnar S. Bali (U Southampton), A. Wachter (HLRZ Juelich), K. Schilling (HLRZ Juelich, U Wuppertal)
Spin and velocity dependent corrections to the interquark potential and quarkonia spectra from lattice qcd
SHEP 96/26, HLRZ 69/96, WUB 96/39
We present results on (order v^2) QCD interquark potentials from SU(3) lattice simulations on volumes of up to 32^4 lattice sites at beta = 6.2 and beta = 6.0. Preliminary results on quarkonia spectra as obtained from these potentials are presented.
Gunnar S. Bali (U Southampton), Klaus Schilling (HLRZ Juelich & U Wuppertal), Armin Wachter (HLRZ Juelich)
Ab Initio Calculation of Relativistic Corrections to the Static Interquark potential I: SU(2) Gauge Theory
SHEP 96/27, HLRZ 72/96, WUB 96-39
Phys.Rev. D55 (1997) 5309-5324
Phys.Rev. D55 (1997) 5309-5324
We test the capability of state-of-the-art lattice techniques for a precise determination of relativistic corrections to the static interquark potential, by use of SU(2) gauge theory. Emphasis is put on the short range structure of the spin dependent potentials, with lattice resolution a ranging from a approx 0.04 fm (at beta=2.74) down to a approx 0.02 fm (at beta=2.96) on volumes of 32^4 and 48^4 lattice sites. We find a new short range Coulomb-like contribution to the spin-orbit potential V_1'.
U.Glässner, S.Güsken, H.Hoeber, Th.Lippert, G.Ritzenhöfer, K.Schilling, G.Siegert, A.Spitz, A.Wachter (SESAM-Collaboration; HLRZ/DESY and Wuppertal University)
First Evidence of $N_f$-Dependence in the QCD Interquark Potential
HLRZ 96-20, WUB 96-17
Phys.Lett. B383 (1996) 98-104
Phys.Lett. B383 (1996) 98-104
We present a lattice calculation of the interquark potential between static quarks in a "full" QCD simulation with 2 flavours of dynamical Wilson-quarks at three intermediate sea-quark masses. We work at $\beta = 5.6$ on lattice size of $16^3 \times 32$ with 100 configurations per sea-quark mass. We compare the full QCD potential with its quenched counterpart at equal lattice spacing, $a^{-1} \simeq 2.0$ GeV, which is at the onset of the quenched scaling regime. We find that the full QCD potential lies consistently below that of quenched QCD. We see no evidence for string-breaking effects on these lattice volumes, $V \simeq (1.5\,\,{\rm fm})^3$.
Gunnar S. Bali (U Southampton), Klaus Schilling (HLRZ Juelich & U Wuppertal), Armin Wachter (HLRZ Juelich)
Complete O(v^2) corrections to the static interquark potential from SU(3) gauge theory
SHEP 96/28, HLRZ 03/97, WUB 97-11
Phys.Rev. D56 (1997) 2566-2589
Phys.Rev. D56 (1997) 2566-2589
For the first time, we determine the complete spin- and momentum-dependent order v^2 corrections to the static interquark potential from simulations of QCD in the valence quark approximation at inverse lattice spacings of 2-3 GeV. A new flavor dependent correction to the central potential is found. We report a 1/r^2 contribution to the long range spin-orbit potential V_1'. The other spin-dependent potentials turn out to be short ranged and can be well understood by means of perturbation theory. The momentum-dependent potentials qualitatively agree with minimal area law expectations. In view of spectrum calculations, we discuss the matching of the effective nonrelativistic theory to QCD as well as renormalization of lattice results. In a first survey of the resulting bottomonia and charmonia spectra we reproduce the experimental levels within average errors of 12.5 MeV and 22 MeV, respectively.
Gunnar S. Bali, Klaus Schilling, Armin Wachter
Quark-Antiquark Forces From SU(2) and SU(3) Gauge Theories on Large Lattices
HLRZ 95-30
We present results on the spin-independent quark-antiquark potential in SU(3) gauge theory from a simulation on a 48^3*64 lattice at Beta = 6.8, corresponding to a volume of (1.7 fm)^3. Moreover, a comprehensive analysis of spin- and velocity-dependent potentials is carried out for SU(2) gauge theory, with emphasis on the short range structure, on lattices with resolutions ranging from .02 fm to .04 fm.
G.S. Bali, K. Schilling, A. Wachter
Spin dependent potentials from SU(2) gauge theory
WUB 94-36
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 42 (1995) 213-215
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 42 (1995) 213-215
We present results on spin dependent potentials from lattice simulations of SU(2) gauge theory. The Coulomb like short range part of the central potential is identified as a mixed vector-scalar exchange while the linear long range part is pure scalar.
G.S. Bali, K. Schilling, C. Schlichter, A. Wachter
Confining Forces and String Formation from the Lattice
WUB 94-32
We show the running coupling as derived from the SU(3) QQ potential and discuss preliminary results on spin dependent heavy quark potentials from high statistics lattice simulations of SU(2) gauge theory. The precision suffices to study scaling properties and lattice artifacts (at short distances). We identify the Coulomb like short range interaction as a mixed vector-scalar exchange. We measure flux tube formation between a static QQ pair over physical distances up to 2 fm, with a spatial resolution as small as .05 fm. Consistency with the string picture is found for separation larger than about 1 fm, with a half width of the profile of approximately .7 fm.
A. Wachter, G. Bali, K. Schilling
Relativistic corrections to the central qq potential from pure SU(3) lattice gauge theory
HLRZ 62/96
We present a comprehensive high statistics analysis of spin- and velocity dependent corrections to the static (central) qq potential in pure SU(3) lattice gauge theory. Simulations have been performed at beta=6.0 and beta=6.2 which corresponds to lattics spacings of 0.1 and 0.07 fm.
SESAM Collaboration: A. Spitz, H. Hoeber, N. Eicker, S. Guesken, Th. Lippert, K. Schilling, T. Struckmann, P. Ueberholz, J. Viehoff
Alpha_S from Upsilon Spectroscopy with Dynamical Wilson Fermions
WUB 99-13, HLRZ 99-20
Phys.Rev. D60 (1999) 074502
Phys.Rev. D60 (1999) 074502
We estimate the QCD coupling constant from a lattice calculation of the bottomonium spectrum. The second order perturbative expansion of the plaquette expectation value is employed to determine alpha_S at a scale set by the 2S-1S and 1P-1S level splittings. The latter are computed in NRQCD in a dynamical gauge field background with two degenerate flavours of Wilson quarks at intermediate masses and extrapolated to the chiral limit. Combining the N_f=2 result with the quenched result at equal lattice spacing we extrapolate to the physical number of light flavours to find a value of alpha_{\bar MS}^{(5)}(m_Z) = 0.1118(17). The error quoted covers both statistical and systematic uncertainties in the scale determination. An additional 5% uncertainty comes from the choice of the underlying sea quark formulation and from truncation errors in perturbative expansions.
SESAM Collaboration: A.Spitz, N.Eicker, S.Guesken, H.Hoeber, P.Lacock, T.Lippert, K.Schilling, T.Struckmann, P.Ueberholz, J.Viehoff
An Estimate of alpha_S from Bottomonium in Unquenched QCD
HLRZ 1998-55, WUP-TH 98-30
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 73 (1999) 327-329
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 73 (1999) 327-329
We estimate the strong coupling constant from the perturbative expansion of the plaquette. The scale is set by the 2S-1S and 1P-1S splittings in bottomonium which are computed in NRQCD on dynamical gauge configurations with nf=2 degenerate Wilson quarks at intermediate masses. We have increased the statistics of our spectrum calculation in order to reliably extrapolate in the sea-quark mass. We find a value of alpha_MS(m_Z) = 0.1118(26) which is somewhat lower than previous estimates within NRQCD.
N. Eicker, U. Glässner, S. Güsken, H. Hoeber, P. Lacock, Th. Lippert, K. Schilling, A. Spitz, Th. Struckmann, P. Ueberholz, J. Viehoff
Light and Strange Hadron Spectroscopy with Dynamical Wilson Fermions
WUB 98-21
Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 014509
Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 014509
We present the final analysis of the light and strange hadron spectra from a full QCD lattice simulation with two degenerate dynamical sea quark flavours at $\beta = 5.6$ on a $16^3 \times 32$ lattice. Four sets of sea quark masses corresponding to the range $.69 \leq m_\pi/m_\rho \leq .83$ are investigated. For reference we also ran a quenched simulation at $\beta_{\sf eff} = 6.0$, which is the point of equal lattice spacing, $a_{\rho}^{-1}$. In the light sector, we find the chiral extrapolation to physical u- and d- masses to present a major source of uncertainty, comparable to the expected size of unquenching effects. From linear and quadratic fits we can estimate the errors on the hadron masses made from light quarks to be on a 15% level prior to the continuum extrapolation. For the hadrons with strange valence quark content, the $N_F = 2$ approximation to QCD appears not to cure the well-known failure of quenched QCD to reproduce the physical $K-K^*$ splitting.
B. Alles, G. Bali, M. D'Elia, A. Di Giacomo, N. Eicker, S. Guesken, H. Hoeber, Th. Lippert, K. Schilling, A. Spitz, T. Struckmann, P. Ueberholz, J. Viehoff
Scanning the Topological Sectors of the QCD Vacuum with Hybrid Monte Carlo
IFUM 608-FT, IFUP-TH 10/98, HLRZ-98/6, HUB-EP-98/12,
WUP-TH 98-6
Phys.Rev. D58 (1998) 071503
WUP-TH 98-6
Phys.Rev. D58 (1998) 071503
We address a long standing issue and determine the decorrelation efficiency of the Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm (HMC), for full QCD with Wilson fermions, with respect to vacuum topology. On the basis of five state-of-the art QCD vacuum field ensembles (with 3000 to 5000 trajectories each and m_pi/m_rho-ratios in the regime >0.56, for two sea quark flavours) we are able to establish, for the first time, that HMC provides sufficient tunneling between the different topological sectors of QCD. This will have an important bearing on the prospect to determine, by lattice techniques, the topological susceptibility of the vacuum, and topology sensitive quantities like the spin content of the proton, or the eta' mass.
SESAM, TXL collaboration: Th. Lippert, G. Bali, N. Eicker, L. Giusti, U. Glaessner, S. Guesken, H. Hoeber, G. Martinelli, F. Rapuano, G. Ritzenhoefer, K. Schilling, A. Spitz, J. Viehoff
Critical Dynamics of the Hybrid Monte Carlo Algorithm
HLRZ 1997-73
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 63 (1998) 946-948
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 63 (1998) 946-948
We investigate the critical dynamics of the Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm approaching the chiral limit of standard Wilson fermions. Our observations are based on time series of lengths O(5000) for a variety of observables. The lattice sizes are 16^3 x 32 and 24^3 x 40. We work at beta=5.6, and kappa=0.156, 0.157, 0.1575, 0.158, with 0.83 > m_pi/m_rho > 0.55. We find surprisingly small integrated autocorrelation times for local and extended observables. The dynamical critical exponent $z$ of the exponential autocorrelation time is compatible with 2. We estimate the total computational effort to scale between V^2 and V^2.25 towards the chiral limit.
J. Viehoff, N. Eicker, S. Guesken, H. Hoeber, P. Lacock, Th. Lippert, G. Ritzenhoefer, K. Schilling, A. Spitz, P. Ueberholz
Improving Stochastic Estimator Techniques for Disconnected Diagrams
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 63 (1998) 269-271
Disconnected diagrams are expected to be sensitive to the inclusion of dynamical fermions. We present a feasibility study for the observation of such effects on the nucleonic matrix elements of the axial vector current, using SESAM full QCD vacuum configurations with Wilson fermions on $16^3\times 32$ lattices, at $\beta =5.6$. Starting from the standard methods developed by the Kentucky and Tsukuba groups, we investigate the improvement from various refinements thereof.
T$\chi$L collaboration: G.S. Bali (Southampton, HU Berlin), N. Eicker, P. Lacock, T. Lippert, G. Siegert, A. Spitz (Juelich), L. Giusti (Pisa), U. Glassner, S. Guesken, H. Hoeber, K. Schilling, P. Ueberholz, J. Viehoff (Wuppertal), G. Martinelli, F. Rapuano (Roma), G. Ritzenhoefer (MIT Cambridge)
Glueballs and string breaking from full QCD
SHEP 97/21
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 63 (1998) 209-211
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 63 (1998) 209-211
We present results on the static potential, and torelon and glueball masses from simulations of QCD with two flavours of dynamical Wilson fermions on $16^3\times 32$ and $24^3\times 40$ lattices at $\beta=5.6$.
N. Eicker, W. Bietenholz, A. Frommer, H. Hoeber, Th. Lippert, K. Schilling
SSOR Preconditioning of Improved Actions
HLRZ 1997-48
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 63 (1998) 955-957
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 63 (1998) 955-957
We generalize local lexicographic SSOR preconditioning for the Sheikholeslami-Wohlert improved Wilson fermion action and the truncated perfect free fermion action. In our test implementation we achieve performance gains as known from SSOR preconditioning of the standard Wilson fermion action.
A.Spitz, N.Eicker, J.Fingberg, S.Güsken, H.Hoeber, Th.Lippert, K.Schilling, J.Viehoff (SESAM-Collaboration; HLRZ/DESY and Wuppertal University)
Bottomonium from NRQCD with Dynamical Wilson Fermions
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 63 (1998) 317-319
We present results for the b \bar b spectrum obtained using an O(M_bv^6)-correct non-relativistic lattice QCD action. Propagators are evaluated on SESAM's three sets of dynamical gauge configurations generated with two flavours of Wilson fermions at beta = 5.6. Compared to a quenched simulation at equivalent lattice spacing we find better agreement of our dynamical data with experimental results in the spin-independent sector but observe no unquenching effects in hyperfine-splittings. To pin down the systematic errors we have also compared quenched results in different "tadpole" schemes and used a lower order action.
SESAM, TkL collaborations: H.Hoeber, N.Eicker, U.Glässner, S.Güsken, P.Lacock, Th.Lippert, G.Ritzenhöfer, K.Schilling, A.Spitz, P.Ueberholz, J.Viehoff, L.Giusti, G.Martinelli, F.Rapuano (HLRZ/DESY, Wuppertal University, Rome University/INFN and INFN Pisa)
Light Quark Physics with Dynamical Wilson Fermions
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 63 (1998) 218-220
We present results for spectroscopy, quark masses and decay constants obtained from SESAM's and TkL's large statistics simulations of QCD with two dynamical Wilson fermions.
N.Eicker, J.Fingberg, S.Güsken, H.Hoeber, Th.Lippert, K.Schilling, A.Spitz, J.Viehoff (SESAM-Collaboration) ; HLRZ/DESY, Wuppertal University
Improved Upsilon Spectrum with Dynamical Wilson Fermions
HLRZ 1997-35, WUB 97-24
Phys.Rev. D57 (1998) 4080-4090
Phys.Rev. D57 (1998) 4080-4090
We present results for the b \bar b spectrum obtained using an O(M_bv^6)-correct non-relativistic lattice QCD action, where M_b denotes the bare b-quark mass and v^2 is the mean squared quark velocity. Propagators are evaluated on SESAM's three sets of dynamical gauge configurations generated with two flavours of Wilson fermions at beta = 5.6. These results, the first of their kind obtained with dynamical Wilson fermions, are compared to a quenched analysis at equivalent lattice spacing, beta = 6.0. Using our three sea-quark values we perform the "chiral" extrapolation to m_eff = m_s/3, where m_s denotes the strange quark mass. The light quark mass dependence is found to be small in relation to the statistical errors. Comparing the full QCD result to our quenched simulation we find better agreement of our dynamical data with experimental results in the spin-independent sector but observe no unquenching effects in hyperfine-splittings. To pin down the systematic errors we have also compared quenched results in different "tadpole" schemes as well as using a lower order action. We find that spin-splittings with an O(M_bv^4) action are O(10%) higher compared to O(M_bv^6) results. Relative to the results obtained with the plaquette method the Landau gauge mean link tadpole scheme raises the spin splittings by about the same margin so that our two improvements are opposite in effect.
Th. Lippert, G. Bali, N. Eicker, L. Giusti, U. Glaessner S. Guesken, H. Hoeber, P. Lacock, G. Martinelli, F. Rapuano, G. Ritzenhoefer, K. Schilling, G. Siegert, A. Spitz P. Ueberholz, J. Viehoff
SESAM and TXL Results for Wilson Action--A Status Report
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 60A (1998) 311-334
Results from two studies of full QCD with two flavours of dynamical Wilson fermions are presented. At beta=5.6, the region 0.83 > m_pi/m_rho > 0.56 at m_pia > 0.23 L^{-1} is explored. The SESAM collaboration has generated ensembles of about 200 statistically independent configurations on a 16^3 x 32-lattice at three different kappa-values and is entering the final phase of data analysis. The TXL simulation on a 24^3 x 40-lattice at two kappa-values has reached half statistics and data analysis has started recently, hence most results presented here are preliminary. The focus of this report is fourfold: we demonstrate that algorithmic improvements like fast Krylov solvers and parallel preconditioning recently introduced can be put into practise in full QCD simulations, we present encouraging observations as to the critical dynamics of the Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm in the approach to the chiral limit, we mention signal improvements of noisy estimator techniques for disconnected diagrams to the pi-N sigma term, and we report on SESAM's results for light hadron spectrum, light quark masses, and heavy quarkonia.
N.Eicker, U.Glässner, S.Güsken, H.Hoeber, P.Lacock, Th.Lippert, G.Ritzenhöfer, K.Schilling, G.Siegert, A.Spitz, P.Ueberholz, J.Viehoff (SESAM-Collaboration; HLRZ/DESY and Wuppertal University)
Light Quark Masses with Dynamical Wilson Fermions
HLRZ 1997-16, WUB 97-14
Phys.Lett. B407 (1997) 290-296
Phys.Lett. B407 (1997) 290-296
We determine the masses of the light and the strange quarks in the $\bar{MS}$-scheme using our high-statistics lattice simulation of QCD with dynamical Wilson fermions. For the light quark mass we find $m^{light}_{\bar{MS}}(2 GeV) = 2.7(2) MeV$, which is lower than in quenched simulations. For the strange quark, in a sea of two dynamical light quarks, we obtain $m^{strange}_{\bar{MS}}(2 GeV) = 140(20) MeV$.
T-chi-L-Collaboration: L. Conti, N. Eicker, L. Giusti, U. Glaessner, S. Guesken, H. Hoeber, Th. Lippert, G. Martinelli, F. Rapuano, G. Ritzenhoefer, K. Schilling, G. Siegert, A. Spitz, J. Viehoff
Full QCD with dynamical Wilson fermions on a 24^3 x 40-lattice -- a feasibility study
HLRZ 63/96
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 53 (1997) 222-224
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 53 (1997) 222-224
The investigation of light sea-quark effects in lattice QCD with dynamical Wilson fermions requires both larger physical volumes and finer lattice resolutions than achieved previously. As high-end supercomputers like the 512-node APE Tower provide the compute power to perform a major step towards the chiral limit (T-chi-L), we have launched a feasibility study on a 24^3 x 40 lattice. We approach the chiral limit--while refining the resolution--, using the standard Wilson fermion action. Following previous work, our Hybrid Monte Carlo simulation runs at beta=5.6 and two kappa-values, 0.1575 and 0.158. From our study, we are confident that, for the APE Tower, a realistic working point has been found corresponding to a volume of 2 fm^3, with chirality characterized by 1/(a m_pi) = 5.6.
G.S. Bali, U. Glassner, S. Gusken, H. Hoeber, Th. Lippert, G. Ritzenhofer, K. Schilling, G. Siegert, A. Spitz, SESAM collaboration
Towards the glueball spectrum of full QCD
HLRZ 59/96
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 53 (1997) 239-242
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 53 (1997) 239-242
We present first results on masses of the scalar and tensor glueballs as well as of the torelon from simulations of QCD with two light flavours of Wilson fermions. The gauge configurations of extent 16^3*32 at beta = 5.6 and kappa = 0.156, 0.157 and 0.1575 have been generated as part of the SESAM collaboration programme. The present lattice resolutions correspond to 1/a = 2.0-2.3 GeV and ratios m(pi)/m(rho) = 0.83, 0.76 and 0.71, respectively. Studies on larger lattice volumes and closer to the chiral limit are in progress.
SESAM-Collaboration, U. Glaessner, S. Guesken, H. Hoeber, Th. Lippert, G. Ritzenhoefer, K. Schilling, G. Siegert, A. Spitz
Light Spectrum and Decay Constants in Full QCD with Wilson Fermions
HLRZ 61/96
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 53 (1997) 219-221
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 53 (1997) 219-221
We present results from an analysis of the light spectrum and the decay constants f_{\pi} and f_V^{-1} in Full QCD with n_f=2 Wilson fermions at a coupling of beta=5.6 on a 16^3x32 lattice.
S. Fischer, A. Frommer, U. Glaessner, S. Guesken, H. Hoeber, Th. Lippert, G. Ritzenhoefer, K. Schilling, G. Siegert, A. Spitz
A Parallel SSOR Preconditioner for Lattice QCD
HLRZ 60/96
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 53 (1997) 990-992
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 53 (1997) 990-992
A parallelizable SSOR preconditioning scheme for Krylov subspace iterative solvers in lattice QCD applications involving Wilson fermions is presented. In actual Hybrid Monte Carlo and quark propagator calculations it helps to reduce the number of iterations by a factor of 2 compared to conventional odd-even preconditioning. This corresponds to a gain in cpu-time of 30% - 70% over odd-even preconditioning.
SESAM-Collaboration: N. Eicker, U. Glässner, S. Güsken H. Hoeber, Th. Lippert, G. Ritzenhöfer, K. Schilling, G. Siegert A. Spitz, P. Ueberholz, J. Viehoff
Evaluating Sea Quark Contributions to Flavour-Singlet Operators in Lattice QCD
WUB 96-27, HLRZ 53/96
Phys.Lett. B389 (1996) 720-726
Phys.Lett. B389 (1996) 720-726
In a full QCD lattice study with $N_f = 2$ Wilson fermions, we seek to optimize the signals for the disconnected contributions to the matrix element of flavour-singlet operators between nucleon states, which are indicative for sea quark effects. We demonstrate, in form of a fluctuation analysis to the noisy estimator technique, that -- in order to achieve a tolerable signal to noise-ratio in full QCD -- it is advantageous to work with a $Z_2$-noise source rather than to rely only on gauge invariance to cancel non-gauge-invariant background. In the case of the $\pi$N $\sigma$-term, we find that 10 $Z_2$-noise sources suffice on our sample ( about 150 independent QCD configurations at $\beta = 5.6$ on $16^3\times32$ with $\kappa_{sea} = 0.157$, equivalent to $M_{\pi}/M_{\rho} = 0.76(1)$), to achieve decent signals and adequate fluctuations, rather than 300 such sources as recently used in quenched simulations.
Th. Lippert, G. Ritzenhöfer, U. Glässner, H. Hoeber, A. Seyfried, K. Schilling
Hyper-Systolic Processing on APE100/Quadrics: N^2-Loop Computations
WUB 95-21, HLRZ 45/95
Int.J.Mod.Phys. C7 (1996) 485-501
Int.J.Mod.Phys. C7 (1996) 485-501
We investigate the performance gains from hyper-systolic implementations of n^2-loop problems on the massively parallel computer Quadrics, exploiting its 3-dimensional interprocessor connectivity. For illustration we study the communication aspects of an exact molecular dynamics simulation of n particles with Coulomb (or gravitational) interactions. We compare the interprocessor communication costs of the standard-systolic and the hyper-systolic approaches for various granularities. We predict gain factors as large as 3 on the Q4 and 8 on the QH4 and measure actual performances on these machine configurations. We conclude that it appears feasable to investigate the thermodynamics of a full gravitating n-body problem with O(10000) particles using the new method on a QH4 system.
SESAM-Collaboration: U.Glässner, S.Güsken, H.Hoeber, Th.Lippert, X.Luo, G.Ritzenhöfer, K.Schilling, G.Siegert (HLRZ-DESY-Wuppertal)
QCD with dynamical Wilson fermions - first results from SESAM
HLRZ 95-57 and WUB 95-33 Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 47 (1996) 386-393
First results of a recently started simulation of full QCD with two flavours of sea-quarks at a coupling of $\beta = 5.6$ on a $16^3 \times 32$ lattice are presented. Emphasis is laid on the statistical significance that can be achieved by an "integrated luminosity" of 140 TFlop$\times$hrs, for Hybrid Monte Carlo simulations at four intermediate values of $\frac{m_{\pi}}{m_{\rho}}$. The simulation takes place on the Quadrics QH2 at DESY/Zeuthen and DFG/Bielefeld. The performance is optimized by means of BiCGStab and the chronological inversion method of Brower et al. We discuss the systematic errors arising from lack of the molecular dynamic's reversibility on the 32-bit QH2. For plaquette and meson correlators we find integrated autocorrelation times of < 20 units of molecular dynamics time and exponential autocorrelation times of about 50 units. Using these results we perform preliminary measurements of the central potential and $\pi$ and $\rho$ correlators on independent configurations and obtain first estimates of the lattice spacings at three values of the dynamical hopping parameter.
Henning Hoeber
A Lattice Study of Spin and Flavour Symmetry in Heavy Quark Physics
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 34 (1994) 489-491
We present a first test of heavy quark spin-flavour symmetries in matrix elements for semi-leptonic decays \bar B to D l\bar\nu and \bar B to D^* l\bar\nu. We show that O(1/m_Q) corrections are small at masses around the charm for form factors protected by Luke's Theorem, but are of order 30-40% for h_V and h_V/h_{A_{1}}.